
Mitsuba 2 provides extremely fine-grained Python bindings to essentially every function in the system. This makes it possible to import the renderer into a Jupyter notebook and develop new algorithms interactively while visualizing their behavior using plots.

Ray intersections, BSDF evaluations and emitters, and numerous other system components can be queried and sampled through an efficient vectorized interface, enabling the design of non-traditional applications that do not necessarily produce a rendering as output. The bindings blur the boundaries between C++ and the Python world: it is for instance possible to to implement a new Mitsuba plugin (e.g. a BSDF) using Python and use it to render an image, where most rendering code runs in C++. Several Mitsuba variants heavily rely on JIT compilation, and such Python extensions are jointly JIT-compiled along with other C++ portions of the system.

Mitsuba’s automated test suite is entirely written in Python, which ensures the completeness and correctness of the Python bindings and also serves as an excellent source of Python example code.

This remainder of this section provides a number of examples on using the Python API and points out additional sources of information. For now, we focus on the use of the bindings for “forward” rendering applications. A separate set of tutorials describes applications to differentiable and inverse rendering.

Importing the renderer

Mitsuba 2 ships with many different system variants, each of which provides its own set of Python bindings that are necessarily different from others due to the replacement of types in function signatures.

To import Mitsuba into Python, you will first have to import the central mitsuba module and set the desired variant. Following this, specific classes can be imported.

import mitsuba


# set_variant() call must precede the following two lines
from mitsuba.core import FileStream
from mitsuba.render import Integrator

Behind the scenes, Mitsuba exposes a virtual Python module that dynamically resolves import statements to the right destination (as specified via set_variant()). The variant name can be changed at any time and will then apply to future imports. The variant name is a per-thread property, hence multiple independent threads can execute code in separate variants.

Other helper functions are provided in Python in order to interact with the available variants:

# Returns the list of available system variants
mitsuba.variants() # e.g. ['scalar_rgb', 'gpu_autodiff_spectral']

# Returns the name of the current variant
mitsuba.variant() # e.g. 'gpu_autodiff_spectral'

It is also possible to set a default variant that is automatically activated when importing the mitsuba Python module. This can be done by setting the python-default field in the mitsuba.conf file. Following this, it is no longer necessary to call mitsuba.set_variant(..) anymore unless another variant is desired.

API documentation

Extensive API documentation is available as part of this document. See the Introduction section for details.

The Python bindings furthermore export docstrings, making it is possible to obtain information on classes, function via the help() function:

import mitsuba

# Output:
# class Bitmap(Object)
# |  General-purpose bitmap class with read and write support for several
# |  common file formats.
# |
# |  This class handles loading of PNG, JPEG, BMP, TGA, as well as OpenEXR
# |  files, and it supports writing of PNG, JPEG and OpenEXR files.
# |
# |  PNG and OpenEXR files are optionally annotated with string-valued
# |  metadata, and the gamma setting can be stored as well. Please see the
# |  class methods and enumerations for further detail.
# |
# ...

Basic arithmetic types

Mitsuba heavily relies on the Enoki library for elementary arithmetic types, mathematical operations, vectors, matrices, and so on. Enoki is used both on the C++ and Python side, and we recommend that you read its documentation before developing any Mitsuba code.

One important point to note is that elementary types like floating point numbers, vectors, etc., depend on the current variant. Mitsuba exports aliases to these types for convenience. For instance, consider the following snippet

import mitsuba
from mitsuba.core import Float

The imported Float type is simply a builtin Python float because the renderer is operating in scalar mode. But more complex types would be used in the vectorized packet_* or gpu_* backends, and these also propagate into derived array types like vectors or matrices.

from mitsuba.core import Float, Vector3f
# Float    = enoki.dynamic.Float32  (a.k.a. enoki::DynamicArray<Packet<float>>)
# Vector3f = enoki.dynamic.Vector3f (a.k.a. enoki::Array<DynamicArray<Packet<float>, 3>>)

from mitsuba.core import Float, Vector3f
# Float    = enoki.cuda.Float32  (a.k.a. enoki::CUDAArray<float>)
# Vector3f = enoki.cuda.Vector3f (a.k.a. enoki::Array<enoki::CUDAArray<float>, 3>>)

In some cases, it may be desirable to work with scalar numbers and vectors even working with a vectorized backend. Simply add the Scalar prefix before any type name in this case.

from mitsuba.core import ScalarFloat, ScalarVector3f
# ScalarFloat    = float
# ScalarVector3f = enoki.scalar.Vector3f (a.k.a. enoki::Array<float, 3>>)

Altogether, the following basic types are provided:

Type name



Result of a comparison involving an arithmetic type like Float.


Default floating point type (which could be single or double precision)


Single precision floating point type


Double precision floating point type


Unsigned 32-bit integer


Signed 32-bit integer


Unsigned 64-bit integer


Signed 64-bit integer


3D normal vector


Color vector with floating point components of the default precision (0 to 4 dimensions).


Vector with floating point components of the default precision (0 to 4 dimensions)


Point with floating point components of the default precision (0 to 4 dimensions)


Vector with signed 32-bit integer components (0 to 4 dimensions)


Point with signed 32-bit integer components (0 to 4 dimensions)


Vector with unsigned signed 32-bit integer components (0 to 4 dimensions)


Point with unsigned signed 32-bit integer components (0 to 4 dimensions)


Matrix with floating point components of the default precision (2 to 4 dimensions)

This table lists Mitsuba’s built-in arithmetic and array types.

In the following Python snippet, we show how one can use those aliases to write generic code that can run on the CPU or the GPU, depending on the chosen variant.

import enoki as ek
import mitsuba

# Choose the variant
mitsuba.set_variant('packet_rgb') # also works on the GPU, e.g. with 'gpu_rgb'

from mitsuba.core import Float, UInt64, Vector2f, PCG32

# PCG32 is a pseudo-random number generator.
# Configure it for returning 1000 values at a time
rng = PCG32(initseq=ek.arange(UInt64, 1000))

# Generate 1000 uniform random variates on [0, 1]^2
samples = Vector2f(rng.next_float32(), rng.next_float32())

# Warp the uniform variates into uniformly distributed points on the sphere
pos = mitsuba.core.warp.square_to_uniform_sphere(samples)

NumPy and PyTorch integration

Enoki arrays interoperate with standard Python array libraries like NumPy PyTorch. For instance, in the previous example, we could have replaced the assignment to the samples variable by

import numpy as np
samples = np.random.random((sample_count, 2))

and the subsequent square_to_uniform_sphere call would have performed an implicit conversion. Similarly, Enoki arrays can be cast into PyTorch or NumPy arrays and plotted using libraries like Matplotlib.


The Mitsuba Python bindings are split into three submodules:

Submodule name



Python bindings for the libcore C++ library, which contains core functionality that is not directly related to rendering algorithms. (→ Core API Reference)


Python bindings for the librender C++ library, which contains interfaces of components like rendering algorithms, sensors, emitters, textures, participating media, etc. (→ Render API Reference)


Higher-level functionality that is developed in Python: infrastructure for automatic differentiation, testing (Chi^2 test), etc. (→ Python API Reference)

The API reference provides further details on their contents.